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CCF YOCSEF上海活动预告---“ADN:打造未来网络体验”学术报告会
2016-04-19 阅读量:612 小字


CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum













9:30  签到

10:00 会议开始



           彭鑫,CCF YOCSEF上海候任主席,复旦大学教授、博士生导师、软件学


10:10 合影

10:20      特邀讲者:Gong (Nicholas) ZhangDirector, Principal Research Scientist

        演讲题目:Application Driven Network

11:00      特邀讲者:Kai Chen,香港科技大学,助理教授

      演讲题目:Explicit Path Control in Commodity Data Centers: Design and


11:40   午餐交流

13:00      特邀讲者:汪漪,Huawei Future Network Theory Lab (Hong Kong),高级研究员

        演讲题目:ADN case study: Vehicular Network

13:40      特邀讲者: 胡成臣,西安交通大学,教授

演讲题目: SDN/OpenFlow 2.0之后的扩展性与灵活性




未来网络的核心挑战是如何解决网络构架制约商业模式创新的问题。为此,业界推出了多种新型网络构架以解决这一挑战。作为信息与通信业巨头的华为,前不久在IEEE通信领域的旗舰会议GLOBECOM上发布了自己的解决方案,应用驱动网络(Application Driven Network, ADN),为网络应用提供差异化服务。ADN到底为何物?与其他新型网络构架如SDNNFV有何区别?这一新型构架将会对业界产生何种影响,又会为通信与网络研究带来何种机会?针对这些问题,我们请到了长期从事AND研究的业内专家为我们共同解答。



特邀讲者Gong (Nicholas) Zhang

Ø     Over 20 years Research and development experience of system architect in Network, distributed system and communication system. Had contributed more than 90 patents globally.

  Ø In 2000, System engineer for L3+ switch product.

  Ø  In 2002, PDT (Product development team) leader of smart devices, pioneering a new consumer business for company.

  Ø  In 2005, Senior Researcher, leading future internet research and cooperative communication.

  Ø  In 2009, Principal Researcher, in charge of advance network technology research department, leading researches of future network, distributed computing, Database system and data analysis.

Ø  In 2012, Principal Researcher, leading system group in data mining and machine learning.

Ø  In 2014, Principal Researcher, Director, leading future network theory lab.

Recently years, the major research directions are Network architecture and large scale distributed system.


报告提要:The Future Network Theory Lab of Huawei 2012 Lab announced a new network architecture, which is called Application Driven Network (ADN), in the IEEE GLOBECOM conference held at San Diego, California, United States, in December 2015. The key concept of ADN is that network design and evolution should be driven by network applications and usage. The ADN architecture is fundamentally different from traditional network architectures, which aim to optimize network operation and resource usage. This is the first time that the industry proposes the concept that the network should work for applications. This new network architecture overthrew the traditional line of thoughts on operating networks, which aim to optimize network resources. The fundamental difference between the ADN architecture and existing network architecture is on the top layer of network design. The ADN architecture does not simply map multiple applications to the physical networks that serve as communication pipes; instead, ADN aims to customize the end-to-end communication for different applications and to optimize the quality of experience for end users.



胡成臣,教授,博导,西安交通大学青年拔尖计划特聘研究员,计算机系副系主任,教育部新世纪人才计划,欧洲信息与数学研究会ERCIM学者,微软Star-track学者计划。19818月出生于浙江杭州。20037月在西北工业大学自动化系获学士学位,陕西省优秀本科毕业生和国防科工委优秀本科毕业生。同年免试进入清华大学计算机系直接攻读博士学位。20087月于清华大学计算机系获博士学位,清华大学优秀博士毕业生和优秀博士论文。20087月至201012月在清华大学计算机系任助理研究员,201012月起在西安交通大学电信学院计算机系任教,历任副教授、博导,西交大电信学院院长助理、西交大科研院基础研究与海外项目办副主任(挂职) ,现任西交大特聘研究员、计算机系副系主任。201410月至201510月在挪威科技大学做访问研究。

报告提要主要研究方向是计算机网络系统,已在IEEE JSAC, IEEE Comm. Mag., IEEE Network, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Communications, INFOCOM, ICDCS等重要国际期刊和国际会议上发表或录用论文70余篇。已授权中国发明专利10余项,多项成果转化/应用到华为等企业。作为第4完成人参与中国首枚网络处理器芯片原型的设计研发。主持设计并完成原型实现的软件定义网络交换机ONetSwitch已在全球部署400多套。担任INFOCOMANCS, Networking, GLOBECOMICC等多个大会的TPC成员,任计算机学会互联网专委会成员。获HotData 2014最佳论文奖,2014中国互联网学术年会优秀论文奖, 陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖,电力行业信息化优秀成果一等奖。

特邀讲者汪 漪

Dr. Yi Wang is a Senior Researcher in the Huawei Future Network Theory Lab (Hong Kong). Before joined Huawei, he worked as an assistant researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University. He received the PhD degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in July 2013. His research interests include Future Network Architectures, Information Centric Networking, Software-defined Networks, and the design and implementation of high-performance network devices. He hosts or participates numerous projects, including NSFC, 973, 863. He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers that have been cited more than 350 times (H-index = 10) since 2011, including the first regular paper of China in NSDI2013. He has won the Best Paper Award of IWQoS 2014, and the Best Paper Award of HotData 2014.


报告提要华为2012 Lab未来网络理论实验室在美国圣迭戈召开的IEEE Globecom 2015大会上发布了未来网络架构新理念 —— 应用驱动网络ADN (Application Driven Network)ADN的核心理念是由网络的应用和需求来驱动网络的建设与发展,这一理念区别于传统网络是为了运营及资源最优化的建网目标。这是业界第一次提出网络建设要为应用服务,从根本上颠覆了传统的建网思路。




特邀讲者Kai Chen

 Kai Chen is an Assistant Professor with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD in Northwestern University, Evanston IL in 2012. His research interests include networked systems design and implementation, data center networks, and cloud systems. He is interested in finding simple yet elegant solutions to real-world networking and systems problems.




报告提要Many data center network (DCN) applications require explicit routing path control over the underlying topologies. In this talk, I will introduce XPath, a simple, practical and readily-deployable way to implement explicit path control, using existing commodity switches. At its core, XPath explicitly identifies an end-to-end path with a path ID and leverages a two-step compression algorithm to pre-install all the desired paths into IP TCAM tables of commodity switches. Our evaluation and implementation show that XPath scales to large DCNs and is readily-deployable. In addition, we integrate XPath into 4 real applications to demonstrate its utility.







田晓华CCF YOCSEF上海学术秘书,候任副主席,AC委员,上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院副教授

Email: xitan@sjtu.edu.cn;电话13501836760

薛广涛CCF YOCSEF上海荣誉委员,上海市计算机学会物联网专委会副主任,上海市计算机学会普适计算与嵌入式专委会副主任,上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院副院长,教授


张光林CCF YOCSEF上海委员、上海市计算机学会网络专委会副主任,东华大学信息科学与技术学院通信与电子工程系副教授系主任








上海市闵行区东川路800号上海交大电信群楼3-200演讲厅。轨道交通5号线至东川路站, 江川3路公交车淡水河桥站下




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