CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum
April 4th, 2015 (Saturday) 09:00AM-3:30PM
Hotel SOFITEL San Francisco Bay, RedWood City,USA
Silicon Valley's Vision on IT technology trend
Tentative Program
9:00 报告会开始
9:00 – 9: 15
Welcome Remark Jun-Ming Wang, Technology Counselor , Consulate General of China in San Francisco
9:15 – 9:30
Opening Remark 杜子德, 中国计算机学会 (CCF) 秘书长
9:30 – 10:00
特邀讲者:Prof Kai Hwang University of Southern California
演讲题目:SMACT Technologies for Innovative Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, and IoT Applications
10:00 – 10:10
Coffee break
10:10 – 10:40
特邀讲者:Dr Howard Ho, IBM Almaden Research Center
演讲题目: Big Data Analytics Research at IBM Almaden
10:40 – 11:10
特邀讲者:Dr. Ping Zhang,MedeAnalytics
演讲题目:Winning Strategies for big data analytics in healthcare and beyond
11:10 – 11:40
特邀讲者:Dr. Zong Ling,IBM Almaden Research Center
12:20–13:30 Lunch break
特邀讲者:Dr. Shuo Yang, Huawei USA
演讲题目:Toward a Composable Software Defined Infrastructure
特邀讲者:Dr. Lei Li ,Baidu's Institute of Deep Learning
演讲题目:Deep Learning: Towards More Intelligent Machines
14:30 – 15:30
报名方式;Tel: (010)6256 2503转14;Fax: 6252 7485
This is the first international workshop of CCF YOCEF (China Computer Federation: It aims to facilitate international collaboration and exchange between Chinese computer scientists and US scientists. This seminar brings together prestigious researchers from both Silicon Valley and CCF to share their insights into the new IT technologies including big data, mobile cloud and wearable computing and discuss the future trend of the technologies.
特邀讲者 Kai Hwang
Kai Hwang is a Professor of EE/CS at the University of Southern California. He is also a Visiting IVendowedChair Prorfessor at Tsinghua University. He received the Ph.D. from University of California,Berkeley in 1972. He has published 8 books and over 220 scientific papers in computer architecture,parallel processing, distributed systems, cloud computing and network security. His works have been cited more than 11,200 times with an h-index of 45. His latest book: Distributed and Cloud Computing was published in 2011.Dr. Hwang was recognized with an IEEE Fellow in 1986, received the 2004 CFC Outstanding Achievement Award, the IPDPS-2011 Founder’s Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the IEEE CloudCom 2012 for his pioneering work in parallel computing and distributed systems. He has served as the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing for 28 years. He has delivered three dozens of keynote addresses on advanced computing systems and cutting-edge information technologies in major IEEE/ACM Conferences. Hwang has performed advisory, consulting and collaborative work for IBM, Intel, MIT Lincoln Lab, JPL at Caltech, ETL in Japan, Academia Sinicain China, GMD in Germany, and INRIA in France.
报告提要:Big Data with Cloud Computing
特邀讲者 Howard Ho
Howard (Ching-Tien) Ho is a Research Staff Member at the IBM Almaden Research Center and manager of Intelligent Information Integration Group. He has been manager of Search and Analytics Group including SystemT text analytics and Gumshoe enterprise search projects, and manager of Intelligent Information Integration (a.k.a. Clio) Group for over 10 years. His current research interests include database, information integration, information extraction and sentiment analytics, especially over Hadoop infrastructure. Past research has included schema mapping, XML, data mining, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), communication issues for interconnection networks, algorithms for collective communications, graph embedding, fault tolerance, and parallel algorithms and architectures. He is a recognized expert on parallel systems having led the Foundations of Massively Parallel Computing group, served on Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard committee, served as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Interconnection Networks and on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, served as the program co-chairs for the ISPAN-2009 and as the vice-chair for 2 parallel processing conferences, and co-edited Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining. He is serving as a program co-chair of 2015 IEEE Big Data Conference to be held in late October at Bay Area. Dr. Ho has received multiple formal awards from IBM and has published over 20 patents, over 30 journal papers, and over 60 conference papers in these areas. He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan in 1979 and a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Yale University in 1990.
报告提要:Big Data Analytics Research at IBM Almaden
In this talk, we will give an overview of big data analytics projects at IBM Almaden Research. Then, we will focus on the text analytics research at IBM Almaden. In particular, we will describe AQL, a declarative information extraction language, and SystemT, the AQL runtime engine with a cost-based optimizer. We will describe a few use cases how text analytics was used in different customer engagements, e.g., for social media data and for customer survey data. Finally, we will describe our recent effort in leveraging a deep parser used in IBM Watson system (that won "Jeopardy!" in 2011) for text analytics such as sentiment analysis.
特邀讲者 Ping Zhang
Ping Zhang has over 20 years of technology, product innovation, client delivery experience. He has provided engineering leadership for a wide variety of organizations, ranging from startups to some of the world’s best-known technology companies. Currently he serves as Senior Vice President of Product Innovation and Chief Technology Officer at MedeAnalytics, a leading provider of big data analytics for healthcare. It has a well-deserved reputation for having a world-class and cloud-based analytics platform dedicated to over 900 healthcare providers and payers in the US and UK.
Most recently, Ping was the senior vice president of research & development at Epocrates, Inc., a mobile and cloud-based health pioneer widely recognized for developing the most popular point-of-care medical applications used by physicians. Prior to Epocrates, Ping was Vice President of Engineering at Harris (Fortune 500), and Executive Vice President at Carefx where he managed technology strategy, product development and client delivery globally. His credentials also includes executive or senior leadership of highly-successful, large-scale development projects for QuadraMed, Siemens, ABB and GTE/Verizon. Ping earned his Bachelor of Science degree at age 19, and then a Master of Science in Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas, where his M.S. thesis and Ph.D. dissertation centered upon HIV simulation modeling and artificial intelligence, respectively.Ping enjoys reading, jogging, and playing basketball. He also serves as a volunteer judge for youth speech and debate events. He has made many speeches at IEEE, CHIMA, HIMSS AsiaPAC and other conferences. .
报告提要:Winning Strategies for big data analytics in healthcare and beyond
The presentation will showcase the use of a combination of big data, mobile and cloud technologies to forecast revenues, mitigate risks, reduce costs, and improve quality in healthcare. We will formulate success strategies with proven results in a mobile could environments for healthcare and other industries.
特邀讲者 Zong Ling
Dr. Zong Ling is a Senior Software Engineer/Scientist in IBM's Software Group atAlmaden Research Center, located in the Silicon Valley of Northern California. He has been working at IBM for more than 15 years with primary focus on performance evaluation of IBM data storage products and cloud storage systems, big date technology. Dr. Ling engages in customer services globally through troubleshooting storage performance issues, providing technical training classes and publishing IBM whitepapers. He has also presented performance tuning topics on IBM's storage products at IBM's Global e-Business University, Software University, Tivoli Pulse and Tivoli Academy. HIs current interests are in the areas of Cloud Computing Architecture, Service Science, Internet of Things, and Information Technology Service Management. As an IBM University ambassador and evangelist of IBM corporate culture with many years of expertise on information technology engineering and services, Dr. Ling has provided academic lectures locally at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, and also taught credited courses overseas and hosted numerous seminars at China's top universities. In recognition of his contributions to the community, Dr. Ling has been awarded President's Volunteer Service Award for the past 5 years.
报告提要:当今,大数据带来的巨大价值正在逐渐引起传统产业的重视。通过技术创新与发展,以及数据的全面感知、收集、分析、共享,大数据为企业管理者和参与者呈现出看待制造业价值链的全新视角。人们逐渐认识到,大数据是制造业智能化的基础。在制造业大规模定制中的应用包括数据采集、数据管理、订单管理、智能化制造、定制平台等,核心是定制平台。定制数据达到一 定的数量级,就可以实现大数据应用。通过对大数据的挖掘,实现流行预测、精准匹配、时尚管理、社交应用、营销推送等更多的应用。同时,大数据能够帮助制造业企业提升营销的针对性,降低物流和库存的成本,减少生产资源投入的风险。
特邀讲者 杜子德
报告提要:许多人认为中国是一个管制非常严格的国家,那里的人们过着难以想像的生活,其实不是!这种看法是由于不了解中国所致。如果你到中国,你就会发现这里充满了机会,任何的才华都可以在这里展示。中国计算机学会(China Computer Federation,CCF)过去11年的发展,就可以看出在中国有多大的创造空间。在CCF,理事长、副理事长、理事都是由会员代表直接选举产生,常务理事以上的候选人竞选时均需要陈述任职想法并且答辩,最后由会员代表无记名投票选举。监事会也是由会员代表直接选举产生的,它可以直接监督理事长、理事和理事会,可以直接开除理事及弹劾理事长。学会的财务都是公开的。在这里,监管非常严格,不会出现腐败和渎职。在学会有各种各样的活动,会员可以各种形式参与,展现他们的才华。YOCSEF(青年计算机科技论坛)是一支最活跃的力量,这里凝聚了一大批来自全国有激情有能力的年轻人,他们在这里锻炼成长,不少已成为各个行业的领军人物。 CCF有12个奖项,均按照国际通行的规则评选,有很大的影响力。中国计算机大会每年参加人超过3000人,其他活动也很有影响力。CCF和ACM、IEEE有非常密切的合作关系。 只要你有创意,有激情,在中国是可以施展出你的才华来的。
特邀讲者 Shuo Yang
Principal Cloud Infrastructure Architect: Shuo have worked for Huawei USA, Santa Clara since 2010. He has been working on building Hadoop, Spark based BigData infrastructure solutions, and his focus since 2012 has been on bringing bigdata systems onto OpenStack. Before joining Huawei USA, he has worked in Google, Mountain View, as a software engineer since 2006. He obtained his PhD degree from Purdue Univeristy, West Lafayette, where he worked on distributed systems.
报告提要:Software defined infrastructure is a momentum that embraces the wave of software enabling technologies that fundamentally change the economics of compute, storage and networking. In this talk, I will use two examples technologies to share our experience on building a composable software defined infrastructure. One is OpenStack, an open source project to enable enterprise and service provider building their own IaaS infrastructure; the other is Mesos, a data center "operating systems" that present users a dynamic resource pool. These technologies have fundamentally changed the landscape of enterprise IT, in a way that building large scale compute infrastructure like AWS or Google with open source technologies become possible, yet at the same time imposes tremendous challenges for system builders/maintainers during that process. And I will introduce an open source technology, Compass, which tries to solve the challenges and makes these new generation infrastructure much more build-able and consumable.
特邀讲者 Lei Li
Dr. Lei Li is currently a research scientist and a “少帅学者” at Baidu's Institute of Deep Learning. His research interest lies in the intersection of machine learning, statistical inference, and natural language processing. He has published over 30 papers on Bayesian inference in open universe probabilistic models, probabilistic programming language, large-scale learning, time series, and social networks, and holds three US patents. He has served in the Program Committee for ICML 2014, ECML/PKDD 2014/2015, SDM 2013/2014, IJCAI 2011/2013, KDD 2015, and as a lecturer in 2014 summer school on Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine Learning. He worked briefly at Microsoft Research (Asia and Redmond), Google (Mountain View), and IBM (TJ Watson Reserch Center). Lei received his B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006 (ACM honored class) and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2011, respectively. His dissertation work on fast algorithms for mining co-evolving time series was awarded ACM KDD best dissertation (runner up). Before joining Baidu, he was working with Prof. Stuart Russell in EECS department of UC Berkeley as a Post-Doctoral Researcher.
报告提要:Can machines think? That is a question raised by Alan Turing 65 years ago. A machine is regarded as intelligent when it can solve problems that human can solve. In recent years, deep learning has pushed significant performance improvement in many tasks, such as speech recognition and image understanding. In tasks such as image classification, deep learning algorithms can already surpass human performance. In this talk, I will present some of the latest technology advances in deep learning at Baidu, and products empowered by deep learning.
特邀嘉宾 鲍捷
鲍捷博士是硅谷创业公司Memect的CEO。他长期从事知识表现、语义网、自然语言处理的研究。2008-2011年他在RPI和MIT从事Web领域的人工智能应用研究;2008-2010年是W3C OWL Working Group成员; 2011-2013年在三星美国研发中心从事问答系统研究;2013年至今是Memect的联合创始人。