09:45 签到
10:00 报告会开始
特邀讲者:胡事民 博士,清华大学教授,杰青,长江学者,万人计划科技创新领军人才
报告题目:从图形学到可视媒体: 谈研究生如何选题与创新思维
特邀讲者:Ralph Martin 博士,英国卡迪夫大学教授,国务院“友谊奖”得主
报告题目:How to Write a Paper
执行主席:刘晓光 博士, 教授,南开大学,CCF YOCSEF天津主席
执行主席:程明明 博士,副教授,南开大学
胡事民,清华大学计算机系教授。主要研究领域为计算机图形学、几何计算和智能信息处理。1996年获浙江大学博士学位。2002年获得国家杰出青年基金资助,2006年任国家973计划项目首席科学家,2007年入选教育部长江学者,2013年入选第一批国家“万人计划”青年科技领军人才。兼任中国计算机学会常务理事,是IEEE TVCG, The Visual Computer (Springer), CAD (Elsevier), Computer & Graphics (Elsevier)等国际刊物的编委或副主编,担任 ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA、Pacific Graphics、SMP、GMP等多个重要国际会议的执委(Steering Committee);曾任美国Solid Modeling Association(2011-12)的执委会主席。近年来,在特征敏感的三维模型几何处理、基于草图的互联网图像合成和可视媒体高效编辑与处理等方面,发表重要国际刊物论文100余篇,相关技术获得授权发明专利40余项,成果获国家技术发明二等奖1项。
Ralph Martin has extensive experience in scientific writing and editing, with over 250 scientific papers and more than a dozen books to his name. He is also on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Graphical Models, and Computers and Graphics, and Computational Visual Media, amongst others. As an editor and reviewer, he has had to read many papers, from the very well written to the impossible-to-understand.
He has been a full professor at Cardiff University, UK, since 2000, and is also a guest professor at Tsinghua University, the National University of Defence Technology, and Shandong University. He was recently awarded the Friendship Award, China's highest honour for foreign experts. He has collaborated with many Chinese professors and students and has helped to improve their papers for publication in world-leading journals and conferences.
He has recently written a book called "Get Published! Successful Scientific Writing", published by Tsinghua University Press. This talk summarizes some of the key ideas to be found in the bo