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  • JCST CFP: Special Section on Scalable Data Science

  • JCST CFP: Special Section on Self-Learning with Deep Neural Networks

    Self-learning is an important skill for human beings as they journey through education and beyond to advisors, building independence and ability to progress without reliance on a teacher. Recently, as a crucial branch of Artificial Intelligence, self-learning with deep neural networks sheds its light on diverse research directions, e.g., self-supervised learning, self-distillation learning, self-attention learning, adversarial learning. Also, excellent results have been achieved in many application tasks in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing by leveraging these self-learning approaches. Therefore, for better understanding and developing self-learning methods, it is deserved to conduct in-depth research on self-learning with deep neural networks from both theoretical and applied perspectives. 进入了解详情
  • 第32届软件可靠性工程国际会议(ISSRE 2021)征稿

    ​软件可靠性工程国际会议 (International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE) 专注于评估、预测和改善软件产品可靠性、安全性,包括前沿理论方法与创新技术工具,是软件可靠性工程领域的旗舰国际会议,也是中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐的B类国际会议。ISSRE将于2021年10月25日至28日在武汉召开第32届会议,这是该会议30余年来首次在中国内地举办。会议由武汉理工大学承办,CCF系统软件专委会、软件工程专委会和武汉分部等单位协办。 进入了解详情
  • 【参会报名】2020年IEEE InTech论坛——科技应变新冠肺炎

    国际科技领域的重要聚会——2020年IEEE InTech论坛即将于12月2-3日举行。今年论坛主题是关于科技行业对新冠肺炎的应变能力。 进入了解详情
  • JCST CFP: Special Section on "AI4DB and DB4AI"

    Database and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can benefit from each other. On one hand, AI can make database more intelligent (AI4DB). For example, traditional empirical database optimization techniques (e.g., cost estimation, join order selection, knob tuning, index and view selection) cannot meet the high-performance requirement for large-scale database instances, various applications and diversified users, especially on the cloud. Fortunately, learning-based techniques can alleviate this problem. On the other hand, database techniques can optimize AI models (DB4AI). For example, AI is hard to deploy in real applications, because it requires developers to write complex codes and train complicated models. Database techniques can be used to reduce the complexity of using AI models, accelerate AI algorithms and provide AI capability inside databases. Thus it calls for theories, techniques, and systems for AI4DB and DB4AI. 进入了解详情
  • JCST CFP: Special Section on AI and Big Data Analytics in Biology and Medicine

    As more and more data are generated from modern biology and medicine, AI and big data analytics play a more important role in helping derive meaningful and logical conclusionsin biology and medicine. Understanding the biological and medicaldata will help in answering important questions of life on earth, finding solutions for global health problems and can even help in solving problems like drug design and disease diagnosis. Not only is this information generated from biology and medicine very detailed, it also possesses unique properties such as low quality data, big data size, different complex formats, high dimensionality, many duplications and a lot of noises, and so on; all of them require a special skill set or unique tools to analyze and interpret. Thus, a lot of researches using AI and big data analytics on biological and medical data are becoming very popular and hot topics in the computer science research community. 进入了解详情
  • IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2020)

    CALL FOR PAPERS 2020 IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SERVICES SMDS CONFERENCE NEW DATE: JULY 20-24, 2020 BEIJING, CHINA https://conferences/computer.org/smds/2020/ 进入了解详情
  • IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2020)

    CALL FOR PAPERS 2020 IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SERVICES SCC CONFERENCE NEW DATE: JULY 20-24, 2020 BEIJING, CHINA https://conferences/computer.org/scc/2020/ 进入了解详情
  • IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2020)

    CALL FOR PAPERS 2020 IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SERVICES ICWS CONFERENCE NEW DATE: JULY 20-24, 2020 BEIJING, CHINA https://conferences/computer.org/icws/2020/ 进入了解详情
  • IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020)

    CALL FOR PAPERS 2020 IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SERVICES CLOUD CONFERENCE NEW DATE: JULY 20-24, 2020 BEIJING, CHINA https://conferences/computer.org/cloud/2020/ 进入了解详情
  • IEEE国际智能数据服务大会 (IEEE SMDS 2020)征稿

    IEEE 国际云计算大会( IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services)是服务计算和大数据领域新兴的国际会议。IEEE SMDS 2020大会将于2020年7月7日-11日在北京举行,由IEEE Computer Society主办,CCF服务计算专委会、北京大学、IBM Research承办。 进入了解详情
  • IEEE国际服务计算大会 (IEEE SCC 2020)征稿

    IEEE 国际服务计算大会( IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)是服务计算领域的重要国际会议,也是中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐的学术会议。IEEE SCC 2020大会将于2020年7月7日-11日在北京举行,由IEEE Computer Society主办,CCF服务计算专委会、北京大学、IBM Research承办。 进入了解详情
  • IEEE 国际万维网服务大会(IEEE ICWS 2020)征稿

    IEEE 国际万维网大会( IEEE International Conference on Web Services)是服务计算和软件工程领域的重要国际会议,也是中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐的学术会议。IEEE ICWS大会将于2020年7月7日-11日在北京举行,由IEEE Computer Society主办,CCF服务计算专委会、北京大学、IBM Research承办。 进入了解详情
  • IEEE国际云计算大会 (IEEE CLOUD 2020)征稿

    IEEE 国际云计算大会( IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing)是云计算领域的重要国际会议,也是中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐的学术会议。IEEE CLOUD大会将于2020年7月7日-11日在北京举行,由IEEE Computer Society主办,CCF服务计算专委会、北京大学、IBM Research承办。 进入了解详情
  • JCST CFP: Special Section on Entity Resolution

    articles from the JCST Special Section on Software Systems are at: http://jcst.ict.ac.cn, published in: Vol. 30, No. 5; Vol. 31, No. 5; Vol. 32, No.6; Vol. 33, No.5; Vol.34 进入了解详情
  • JCST CFP: Special Section on Software Systems 2020

    electronically through JCST's e-submission system at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jcst 进入了解详情
  • 腾讯技术工程沙龙深圳站来了,我们一起聊聊“工业互联网”

    工业互联网通过构建连接机器、物料、人、信息系统的基础网络,实现工业数据的全面感知、动态传输、实时分析,形成科学决策与智能控制,提高制造资源配置效率,正成为领军企业竞争的新赛道、全球产业布局的新方向、制造大国竞争的新焦点——第四次工业革命(工业4.0)。 进入了解详情

    The IEEE World Congress on Services (IEEE SERVICES 2019) will be held on July 8-13, 2019 at the Universita' degli Studi di Milano in Milan, Italy. The Congress will cover all aspects of services computing and applications, current or emerging. 进入了解详情
  • 雁栖湖会议——大数据时代软件自动化面临的挑战与机遇

    2018年10月11日至13日,来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡和中国的近40位杰出科学家齐聚北京雁栖湖,参加了中国科学院学术与出版委主办的雁栖湖会议——大数据时代软件自动化面临的挑战与机遇,就当今和未来的软件自动化交换意见。 进入了解详情