2024 CCF Outstanding Contribution Award to Huawei and Professor Lv Jian


CCF Outstanding Contributions Award is to recognize those has made unique and significant contributions to CCF, such as views on hot topics is unique and was adopted by CCF, initiating and organizing new series of CCF academic meetings, outstanding contributions in promoting cooperation between CCF and other organizations, naming the awards or large sum of grants to CCF, etc.

CCF Awarding Committee awarded Professor Lv Jian, Nanjing University, and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. with 2024 CCF Outstanding Contribution award for their great contributions to CCF.



Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is strategic partner of CCF, and has long and in-depth cooperation with CCF in various fields such as research funds, branding events, membership development, technical committees, and member chapters. It has made outstanding contributions to promote industry-university cooperation and enhancing CCF's influence.


Lv Jian

CCF Fellow, Professor of Nanjing University

Professor Lv Jian initiated CCF Technical Committee on System Software, and co-founded academic conferences such as NASAC, Netware, ChinaSoft, and initiated NASAC Youth Software Innovation Award to promote the development of China's software industry. He has served as VP of CCF for two terms and made outstanding contributions to advancing the academic progress of CCF.