CCF Announced 2020 Outstanding Doctorial Dissertation Award Winners
The CCF Outstanding Doctorial Dissertation Award was established in 2006 and no more than 10 authors of outstanding and innovative doctoral dissertations in computer science and technology are recognized every year.
CCF Awarding Committee decided to honor 10 PHDs with 2020 Outstanding Doctorial Dissertation Award, for their great performance in innovation and academic influence. There are 9 doctors candidadtes nominated for this award in 2020.
2020 CCF Outstanding Doctorial Dissertation Award Winners
* Chai Chengliang, Key Technologies of Crowdsourcing Database, Tsinghua University
* Feng Ji, New Deep Learning Model Research, Nanjing University
* He Kun,Classical Variable, Commutation and Quantum Version of Lovasz Local Lemma,Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* He Xiangteng, Discriminative Feature Learning and Application in Fine-grained Analysis, Peking University
* Huang Jizhou, Key Technologies of Entity Recommendation in Search Engine, Harbin Institute of Technology
* Ji Yu, Design of Brain Like Computing System Stack Based on Decoupling, Tsinghua University
* Li Wenxin, Bandwidth Allocation and Traffic Scheduling in Large Scale Data Center, Dalian University of Technology
* Liu Haomiao, Visual Representation Learning for Object Semantic Understanding, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* Wang Hongwei, Personalized Recommendation System Based on Web Feature Learning, Shanghai Jiaotong University
* Wang Yunbo, Problems and method of Deep Prediction Learning, Tsinghua University