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How to builzd a top-X department – advice for aspiring department heads 2016-12-14

Every department head dreams about getting his school or department in the top-X. Many write elaborate strategic plans on how they will achieve that goal.Alas, the harsh reality is that very few succe...

云计算与标签化冯诺依曼体系结构 2016-12-14


Closing the gap between industry and academia 2016-12-14

While research and academia often focus on different goals, there is no clear boundary between the two. In this talk, I would like to share my personal journey in commercializing research to industri...

Developing end-to-end Data Processing and Analytics Solutions 2016-12-14

database and system research in the last 15 years

机器学习:发展与未来 2016-12-14


计算神经科学-连接脑科学与类脑计算的桥梁 2016-12-14
