3 Gold and 1 Silver Medals- Won by Chinese Team Players in IOI 2019


The 31st International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI 2019) was held in Baku, Azerbaijani, from August 4 to August 11. There are 327 participants from 88 countries and regions participated.

Four Chinese players worked hard to win three gold and one silver medals. They are Zhong Ziqian, from Fuzhou No. 3 Middle School in Fujian Province, won the 4th rank of gold medal, Yang Junzhao, from Nanjing Foreign Language School in Jiangsu Province, won the fifth of gold medal, Gao Jiaxuan , from Zhongshan Memorial Middle School in Zhongshan City, won the 20th of gold medal and Wang Xiuhan ,from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School in Sichuan Province, won the 21st of silver medal.


From left: Gao Jiaxuan,  Yang Junzhao, Wang Xiuhan, Zhong Ziqian

The leader of IOI Chinese team is Dr. Wang Hong, Chairman of NOI Committee of CCF & Tsinghua University, and the deputy is Dr. Zhao Qiyang, Vice Chairman of NOI Committee and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Mr. Du Zide, Secretary-General of CCF, Chairman of NOl, Professor Yin Baolin, consultant of NOI Scientific Committee & Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Dr. Han Wenxuan, member of NOI Committee & Tsinghua University participated as observers in the event.


Chinese Team in IOI 2019

Sponsored by CCF, NOI, established fine organizational system and excellent national coaching team in the right way of development, as well as an extensive recognition from students. Last year, more than 150,000 students participated in the competition. The national team players to IOI were selected on comprehensive abilities as programming and algorithm, values, communication and expression, which CCF insists on training students, have excellent performance in the IOI 2019 venue, and widely praised by other teams.