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李飞飞-A Quest for Visual Intelligence:Exploration Beyond Objects

简介:It takes nature and evolution more than five hundred million years to develop a powerful visual system in humans. The journey for AI and computer vision is about half of a century. In this talk, I will briefly discuss the key ideas and the cutting edge advances in the quest for visual intelligences in computers, focusing on work done in our lab in recent years.
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  • 斯坦福大学计算机系教授、人工智能实验室主任,谷歌云首席科学家
  • 研究方向:机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉、认知神经科学、计算神经科学


课程简介:It takes nature and evolution more than five hundred million years to develop a powerful visual system in humans. The journey for AI and computer vision is about half of a century. In this talk, I will briefly discuss the key ideas and the cutting edge advances in the quest for visual intelligences in computers, focusing on work done in our lab in recent years.