
NLPCC 2017 学生研讨会征稿启事

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    English Version


NLPCC 2017将组织第二届学生研讨会(SW),研讨会将和主会一起在大连召开。学生研讨会旨在打造一个自然语言处理领域的学生展示自己工作并与经验丰富的科研人员交流的平台。本届研讨会将延续上届学生研讨会的成功经验,为了更好地促进交流与展示,将举办以下学术交流活动:

1. 一线指导老师将在现场给与学生论文点评和写作建议:每一位文章录用的学生作者将会匹配一名指导老师负责后续论文修改工作,非投稿学生也可以将自己的英文论文发送给学生研讨会组委会,我们将选择部分论文交于指导老师进行现场点评和论文写作指导;

2. 自然语言处理产业特邀报告:特邀报告将邀请国内自然语言处理产业领域知名专家,介绍和分享NLP产业应用场景、NLP创业情况等;

3. 优秀学生国际会议论文展示和示范讲解:我们将邀请多名在今年ACL、KDD、AAAI、IJCAI等顶级会议发表论文的同学在学生研讨会上介绍他们发表的论文。对邀请的学生,我们将赞助其旅费和会议注册费。除了展示发表的工作之外,他们还将分享做研究、写论文、参加国际会议交流的经验。

4. 与资深NLP专家、学者共进午餐:为了给大家创造认识、交流和学习的机会,我们将安排部分与会学生与NLP学术和产业界资深专家、学者共进午餐。





提交的论文必须符合NLPCC 2017 论文征集中有关一稿多投的要求,论文评审实行双盲评审。不满足以上要求的论文将在审稿前直接拒稿。

SW将只接收英文投稿。文章格式请参照NLPCC 2017英文投稿指南,正文加引用不超过6页。请将文章投稿至:www.softconf.com/NLPCC2017/SWS



·  论文投稿截止日期延至:201779

·  录用通知发出日期: 2017年8月20日

·  最终版提交日期: 2017年9月5日

·  NLPCC会议召开日期: 2017年11月8日~12日







● 熊德意,苏州大学

● 孙栩,北京大学


NLPCC 2017 Student Workshop

To be held in conjunction with NLPCC in Dalian, China

Main Conference: November 8-12, 2017

New Submission Deadline: July 9, 2017 (Beijing Time)


General Invitation

We are pleased to announce that the 2nd NLPCC student workshop (SW) will be held in Dalian in conjunction with the NLPCC main conference. The SW is designed to provide opportunities for students to present their work and to communicate with experienced researchers. Each author of accepted papers will have a mentor to help them on final paper writing. Besides accepted papers, other students can send their papers to us. On part of these papers, mentors will be responsible for providing feedback on the work to the students. In addition, the SW will feature an invited talk on business startups around NLP and emerging NLP applications in industry, as well as invited presentations from students who have presented their work in ACL/KDD/AAAI/IJCAI this year. These presentations will also include topics on successful experiences of doing research, writing paper and presenting in international conferences. In order to create more opportunities for students to network and socialize, we will arrange a lunch where students can freely communicate with NLP researchers from both academia and industry.

We would like to invite student researchers to submit their work to the workshop. Topics of interest for the SW are the same as those for the NLPCC main conference.

Paper Submissions

The SW solicits research papers that describe original completed work or work in progress with preliminary results. The first author of multi-author papers MUST be a student, though it is not required that all co-authors be students.

Only English submissions are welcome. Submissions should follow the standard Springer style sheets. The length of each submission should not be more than 6 pages, including references.

All papers accepted by the student workshop will be published in a combined volume of the NLPCC 2017 Proceedings series.

Submissions must conform to the specifications of NLPCC 2017 call for papers regarding multiple submissions and preparing papers for the double-blind review process. Papers which do not conform to these specifications will be rejected without review.

To submit a paper, please use the paper submission web page: www.softconf.com/NLPCC2017/SWS

Important Dates

New Submission Deadline: July 9, 2017

Acceptance Notification: August 20, 2017

Camera-ready copy due: September 5, 2017

NLPCC main conference date: November 8-12, 2017

(The workshop will be held during the main conference)

Please check this site for updated timelines as further information becomes available.

Funding for Travel

We are working to provide student authors of accepted papers, students from western China and minority students (even with no papers accepted) with travel support. We will continue to update this page as funding becomes available.

Contact Information

The co-chairs of the workshop can be contacted by email at: sw.nlpcc@yahoo.com

Student Workshop Co-Chairs:
  l Deyi Xiong, Soochow University
  l Xu Sun, Peking University